Buttercross Community Orchard
Reintroduced to Dunster in 2011 by Dunster Parish Council and the Crown Estate, Buttercross Community Orchard has 56 apple and 3 Dunster plum trees and a picnic area with some of the best views in Dunster. The Orchard committee provides events all the year round for residents and visitors to the village. Apple Day, Wassailing and Somerset Day are celebrations organised by the committee as well as annual outings, annual picnics and a traditional barn dance.

Dunster Museum & Doll Collection
Dunster Memorial Hall in the High Street houses a newly constructed local museum and a doll collection which is known nationwide. The doll collection has been part of Dunster for many years since the Dunster Parish Council agreed to look after the original Mollie Hardwick collection. The Memorial Hall is a recognised charity with DPC as the Custodian Trustee and is managed by Trustees elected by the residents.

Dunster Archaeology Group
An offshoot of the Dunster Museum Group, the Archaeology Group has grown with the help of Channel 4’s Time Team in recent years. Evidence of a possible Roman settlement has been discovered in Dunster. Excavations have taken place and experts have dated buildings in Dunster and have dated the earliest known house as 13th century.

Dunster Snooker Room
The Snooker Room is also located at Dunster Memorial Hall and is also run by local residents under the governance of the Hall and Dunster Parish Council.

Dunster Packhorse Playing Field
At the end of Park Street alongside the Packhorse Bridge on the River Avill is situated the Packhorse Playing Field. The field, maintained by the local community is lovely for young children. Just a short walk from the water mill it is a secure enclosed area.

Dunster Marsh Playing Field
This playing field is located in Dunster Marsh which is on the Jubilee Riverside Walk which is a scenic walk between Dunster Station and the A39 on the way to the village. Local children and youngsters on their way into Dunster can stop and play. In 2019 after a great deal of work by the local committee, Dunster Parish Council was able to purchase a brand new multi-use games area to provide an all-the-year-round-facility.